People. Processes. Planning. Projects. Partnerships. Performance.

Blockhouse is a focused advisory and consulting group for clients with very specific needs. 

We believe having firm foundations and principles are the key to long term sustainable success.


Blockhouse recognizes the importance of having the right people engaged in the best role within an organization. We help our clients make sure the right people are doing the right things, at the right time, with the right resources.  


Clearly defined processes are vital for any successful organization. Blockhouse works with organizations and companies to discover and understand their existing processes and procedures to accurately target opportunities for improvement. We create processes that allow you to make data driven decisions to supplement or grow your existing business. 


Blockhouse works with organizations of all types to help them create or refine strategic plans that will lead them to their goals and objectives. Our objective and external view allows us to identify market opportunities, gather and understand intelligence about competitors. Our team can provide or help with developing financial projections, budget preparation, and budget monitoring. We make complex planning very simple for you.  


Good, effective project management is a shortcoming of many organizations.  Blockhouse can provide assistance with creating project management structure,  processes, and procedures so that your organizations can see the results of project successes. We use a variety of project management methodologies, including Agile, Waterfall, Critical Path, as well as others to ensure the best approach is used for each project.  


Collaboration is key to success in today's business environment. Blockhouse helps organizations identify, build and maintain strong partnerships with other businesses, suppliers, and stakeholders. We help companies identify potential partners, negotiate agreements, and manage ongoing relationships. We also assist organizations in developing joint marketing and sales strategies, as well as collaborative product development efforts.


Measuring and improving performance is essential for any organization to achieve it's goals. Blockhouse offers performance management services that help organizations identify, monitor, analyze and understand their performance metrics. With our performance management services, businesses can gain the insights they need to make data-driven decisions and achieve their objectives.  


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We hope you will connect with us and learn about how we deliver value to you and your business. 

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